Redistricting FAQs

Q: What is a district?

Each of Florida's U.S. Representatives, State Senators, and State Representatives are elected from specific geographic regions called districts. The Hillsborough County Commission, Hillsborough County School Board and Tampa City Council also have districts. You can find district maps for each of these legislative bodies on the Maps & Districts page of our website.


Q: What is changing?

In Hillsborough County and in the State of Florida, population has risen significantly in the past 10 years. The new district lines consider growth and shift in population so that voters are evenly distributed across districts. In addition, Florida gained a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives due to its growth, and legislators had to draw new district lines to add that new seat.

Florida’s Population Growth 

  • Between 2010 and 2020, the resident population in Florida increased from 18,801,310 to 21,538,187.  
  • The average number of people in each congressional district increased from 696,345 to 769,221.  
  • The average number of people in each of 120 state house districts increased from 156,678 to 179,485.  
  • The average number of people in each of 40 state senate districts increased from 470,033 to 538,455. 


Q: Who is in charge of redistricting?

U.S. House of Representatives Districts

The Florida Legislature is responsible for drawing new districts for Florida’s U.S. House of Representative districts. The map is subject to a gubernatorial veto and review by the Florida Supreme Court. 

Florida House and Florida Senate Districts

The Florida Legislature is responsible for drawing new maps for Florida Senate and Florida House districts, which is passed by a joint resolution and reviewed by the Florida Supreme Court.

Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners

The Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners is responsible for drawing new district maps for four of the seven County Commissioner seats. The three remaining seats represent the entire county, so they do not have district maps.

Hillsborough County School Board

The Hillsborough County School Board is responsible for drawing new maps for five of the School Board districts. The other two seats represent the entire county.

City of Tampa

The Tampa City Charter requires the Hillsborough County City-County Planning Commission to draw new district maps every four years for four city council districts. The other three represent the entire city.

City of Plant City and City of Temple Terrace

In each of these municipalities, the city commission seats are at-large and all voters within those city limits may vote in each contest. Since there are no districts, there is no redistricting.

Hillsborough County Supervisor of Elections Office

Our office does not draw district lines. Our role begins once redistricting is completed. Once all the maps are approved, we make adjustments to precinct boundaries so that they align with the new district maps for federal, state and local offices. We then update our voter database and assign each voter to the districts and precinct that match their legal residence address.

Whenever there is a change in a district, precinct or polling place, we will send you a new Voter Information Card.

Legal References

US Constitution

Federal Law

  • Voting Rights Act of 1965 – Prohibits voting practices and procedures, including redistricting, which discriminate based on race, color, or membership in a language minority group.

Florida Constitution

  • Article III, Section 16 - Requires the Florida Legislature to divide the state into 30 to 40 contiguous senatorial districts and 80 to 120 contiguous house districts.
  • Article III, Sections 20 & 21 - Prohibits line-drawing that intentionally favors or disfavors a political party or an incumbent.
  • Article VIII, Section 1(e) – Sets the size of county commissions at five or seven members and requires redistricting after each census. Districts must be of contiguous territory and nearly equal population.
  • Article IX, Section 4(a) – Creates school boards and districts.

Florida Statutes

  • Section 11.031 – Requires that Florida Legislature exclusively use data from the U.S. Census Bureau to redraw districts.
  • Section 124.01 – Sets standards for county commissioner districts.
  • Section 1001.36 – Sets standards for school board districts.

City of Tampa Charter

  • Article II Section 2.01 – Requires that the Hillsborough County City County Planning Commission conduct redistricting for the City Council in the year prior to each city election.

For more information or if you have a question that is not listed here, contact us at: or call (813) 744-5900.